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The short and stocky dwarves are renowned for their toughness, their crafting capabilities with metals and stone, and their uncanny ability to carry a grudge. Dwarves are generally well regarded by most races as smiths and engineers. While much of the world’s population has made its way to the city states the ancient dwarven kingdom of Kal Tachar within the European Alps has stood through the Great Crusade, the Great War, and the Infection War, largely untouched for the most part. The dwarves have kept any enemy at bay with relative ease due to their mastery of underground engineering, mining, and warfare.


Dwarves are shrewd tacticians and creative leaders when it comes to war and most standing armies over the centuries have tried to recruit dwarven military leaders to aid in the command of those armies. While many European dwarves living outside of Kal Tachar under elven rule sided with the revolution that would birth the Empire, they quickly realized their mistake and wanted no part in the genocide perpetuated upon the high elves. Seeing what was going on Kal Tachar's reigning King, Karock Brighthammer, contacted dwarven engineering and mining companies in America and along with the help of fae folk knockers and the dokalfir elves, created the Trans-Atlantic corridor, a massive underground rail and roadway running from old world America to Kal Tachar. The corridor was instrumental in the invasion of Imperial Europe and the downfall of the Empire.


Dwarves are short and stocky, usually between four and five feet in height and anywhere between 150 and 200 pounds in weight on average. Hair and eye color have a wide variety just like humans. Dwarven men tend to grow their beards out from a young age, though this tradition has waned a bit in recent decades. It is a myth that dwarven women have beards. Dwarves have developed a similar vision to Dokalfir Elves due to their mining and subterranean heritage.

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