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Goblins originated in Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia. They have often been associated with orcish clans and territories. The used car salesmen of the world, goblins have long been merchants, peddlers, snake oil salesmen, and oddly enough; engineers. Where Knocker technology is generally cutting edge and sleek, goblin tech tends to be flashy and loud. While their tech is generally just as effective as Knocker tech, it's usually flashier and much less subtle. Goblins are always looking for an angle, a profit, or a way to get something out of anything they do.


Goblins have long been associated with the orcish clans of Europe and Asia due to their often being able to find good customers among the clans. There has only been one goblin nation or kingdom in recorded history, the short lived Forsaleickstan. The nation was formed by goblin squatters covering a large region in eastern Europe that contained several disputed areas that had been a source of contention between local elven noble houses. Rather than waste manpower and possibly lives in an actual war, the goblin King Georgio 'Betta have my money' Greedyfingers, suggested a bidding war over the territories. The winning house would receive a 'legal' deed to the lands won and, perhaps more importantly, the goblins would leave to settle elsewhere. The plot was so ridiculous it actually worked, making Greedyfingers and his followers rich beyond their wildest imaginations and goblins have very wild imaginations, especially when it comes to money. 


Short, usually between three and three and a half feet in height with greenish skin, large pointed ears, large noses and beady eyes, goblins generally look every bit the part of the late night infomercial salesman. Often shrewd and calculating, goblins have found a niche in the corporate era and when it comes to tech design are almost as sought after as Knockers, just don’t tell them that.


 Goblins. Love. Stuff. And they generally want more of it, ‘hoarder’ doesn’t even begin to describe most goblins. In fact the world record of knick knack possession is still held by Fingle ‘Fast Fingers’ Fitzgerald of London. Goblins have no trouble with cybernetics and have the lowest recorded rejection rate of any race, though this is likely doctored to increase sales of goblin designed cybernetic augmentations.

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